Joanie’s number one mission in life is to share the knowledge that a regular sewing machine can be used to hold the layers of your quilt together. Teaching YOU to machine quilt makes her happier yet. The ultimate joy is for you to gain enough confidence in your free-motion quilting that you seek patterns for projects and quilting designs to fill your quilts with elegance. Your success is her goal, these products will support you every step of the way!
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Shipping prices is for the lower 48 states, items shipped to Alaska or Hawaii will be accessed on an individual basis.
Weightless Quilter (2)
Books and DVDs (6)
Supplies (6)
Downloadable Quilting Design Collections (8)
Downloadable Patterns for Quilted Projects (9)
Downloadable Packets of Background Fill Patterns (2)
Quilting Design Collections (7)
Complete Patterns for Quilted Projects (9)
Packets of Background Fill Patterns (2)
Individual Quilting Designs (2)
Downloadable Individual Quilting Designs (6)