This page has been prepared to assist Quilt Shop Owners, Guild and Show Organizers, and potential students find information for planning an event with Joanie.
Click on links to documents that are available to read onscreen or to use as printable files.
If you have any concerns not covered here, contact Joanie.
For Potential Students and any machine quilting wannabes looking for the promise of a successful machine quilting future
On the Am I ready - How to prepare for class document you will find the help you seek if you are wondering if you are ready to take one of Joanie’s classes? Continuing on the same document, find out how to best prepare for class to assure successful results. You might also familiarize yourself with Machine Quilting Lingo by reading Joanie’s Glossary of Frequently used Terms for Machine Quilting. Learn a ton of great ideas that make the job easier by reading Joanie’s Machine Quilting Tips. And finally, keep an eye on the upcoming events open to the public listed on Joanie’s Blog. I look forward to seeing you in class!
For Quilt Guild Representatives, Shop Owners and Show Organizers
My goal for your event is to offer the best information to the largest group, in the easiest manner with the least problems. Study the lists of presentations on the Lectures Page and Classes Page as a springboard for planning and then email Joanie to determine availability.
Joanie will work with each event coordinator to tailor the best choices to make the most of the experience for all involved. Supply list are updated frequently and are available upon request.
Links and PDF files for Lectures and Workshops
Here are the documents related to hiring Joanie Zeier Poole to present a lecture or workshop:
- Help Planning an Event advises which presentations work best together and in what order.
- Find details concerning event setup, class size limits, needed equipment and how I charge all on one document, Travel, Fees and Facility Requirements.
- Short Biography and a Photo of Joanie Zeier Poole for brochures, newsletters and introductions.
- I have written a light-hearted note to students, Hello to my Quilting Sisters, explaining how classes are structured to set their mind at ease. Use it for your newsletter or read it when promoting the event at a guild meeting.
- Recommendations for Joanie Zeier Poole from past students, shop owners & event coordinators telling of their experience with Joanie.
Attaining and Signing a Contract
Contracts will be emailed after a date has been scheduled and details have been discussed. First you will read the information on all pages of the contract and make sure it is as agreed. Joanie will make the needed changes. If the contract does not require changes, print two copies, mail one set plus two signed agreement pages with a SASE and a signed copy will be returned to you.